Bill Armstrong
Photographs from the Infinity SeriesHome    Statement    News    CV    Publications    Contact    Books    Other Series
After: Dreaming in Color
In After: Dreaming in Color, I imagine the history of photography as if in a dream, making color interventions into iconic 19th century photographs.

My process is to transform appropriated images taken from the web and from books by injecting color, either digitally or by manually using color filters and a light table—or a combination of both. After: Dreaming in Color continues the arc of my investigation into layering found or appropriated images that I have been pursuing since the late 1970’s, first with collages made from advertising posters and then with the blurred images of the Infinity series that I am known for.

In my research I have found that the standard histories of photography often somewhat arbitrarily pass over the fact that color has been around since the beginning: in Anna Atkins’ cyanotypes; in opalescent daguerreotypes; in hand–colored and sepia toned photographs. In response to this oversight, I have created my own dreamlike history of color photography. It is a reverie that continues my ongoing study of the contrast and harmony of colors, but this time with an eye toward wit, humor and visual puns.
